5 Ways To Help My Adult Acne

a young woman squeezing a pimple on her face

Everybody expects to battle acne in their teens and 20s. But when pimples consistently pop up in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, you’re probably more than dismayed to be dealing with pimples and wrinkles at the same time. Don’t worry—it’s not your fault. Adult acne affects many people and has many causes. Read on to find out what may be causing your adult acne and how you can alter your skincare routine to get the clear skin you deserve.

What Is Adult Acne?

Adult acne is generally the same as teenage acne. However, adults get acne for different reasons than teenagers. Additionally, the typical over-the-counter remedies that teens can count on to reduce flare-ups are usually not as useful for more mature skin.

What Causes Adult Acne?

The number one reasons adults get acne is hormonal fluctuations. Women produce small amounts of the male hormone testosterone, which can cause painful, deep cystic acne that shows up on the chin, neck, or back. Other common causes of adult acne include:

  • Stress—If you live a stressful lifestyle, your adrenal glands release a stress hormone called cortisol that helps your body cope. Cortisol contains testosterone, which stimulates acne-causing oil production.
  • Pollution—Pollutants in the air that you’re not even aware of during your daily workout or walk to the bus stop can settle onto your skin, clogging your pores and causing blemishes.
  • Using the Wrong Skin Products—If you have acne, make sure any moisturizer, sunscreen, or foundation you purchase is oil free or labeled non-comedogenic, which won’t clog pores. Look for products that are labeled water based, gel based, or otherwise noted as free of oil.
  • Over Cleansing Your Face—If you have oily skin, it’s normal to think you need to scrub it several times a day to get rid of the oil. Washing your face too much only makes it dry, which stimulates your skin to produce even more oil. Wash your face no more than twice a day with a mild, unscented cleanser.

How Can I Prevent an Acne Breakout?

While you can’t prevent all future breakouts, try these tips to see if you can lessen the severity of your adult acne:

  • Wash your face twice a day to remove oil, dead skin, and impurities
  • Avoid harsh scrubbing
  • Use an oil-free moisturizer daily
  • Avoid wearing too much makeup that can clog pores
  • Avoid hair care products with fragrance and oils since these ingredients can touch your face and cause breakouts

How Can I Treat My Flare-Ups?

Look for acne blemish remedies that contain one of the following five ingredients to treat your breakouts:

  • Salicylic acid—Also called beta-hydroxy acid, this active ingredient promotes gentle exfoliation to clear pores. It’s available in cleansers and spot treatments.
  • Benzoyl peroxide—This powerful ingredient kills bacteria on the skin. Use it sparingly since it can dry out your skin
  • Sulfur—This product draws oil out of the skin and dries it out. Use it as a spot treatment.
  • Glycolic acid—This product is an alpha-hydroxy acid that exfoliates skin, preventing breakouts and wrinkles. It stimulates collagen production while improving the luster of skin.
  • Retinol—A Vitamin A derivative, retinol is absorbed into the skin and converts into retinoic acid, which is a powerful acne fighter. Some retinols are available over-the-counter while Retin A is only available by prescription. Retinols are also highly effective for anti-aging treatment.

If you’re still searching for the best treatment option for adult acne, need affordable treatment options, or are looking for payment to participate in a study, sign up for a future clinical trial today. With more than 25 years of experience in performing dermatological clinical trials, our highly trained team is dedicated to making sure we meet all clinical guidelines and that patient rights of each person are always protected. Call 561-948-3116 or fill out the form on this page to learn more about our clinical trial options today. We’re happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.